
Simple, transparent pricing

Bokeh has a single pricing plan with no hidden fees and a 30 day free trial

$8 per month

Start 30 day free trial
  • Professional portfolio website
  • Powerful photo library
  • Flexible design studio
  • Automatic image optimisation
  • Custom domain
  • Unlimited high resolution photos
  • Unlimited bandwidth
  • Automatic SEO
More Information


Everything you need to know about Bokeh. Can't find the answer you're looking for? Chat to our friendly team.

Do I own all the work I upload to Bokeh?

Yes. You maintain full ownership and control of all the photos you upload to Bokeh, and if you delete a photo from your account it is removed permanently from all of our servers. Read the fine print in our Terms of Service.

Are there any restrictions on the work I upload to Bokeh?

Can I really have unlimited photos and visitors?

How is Bokeh different to other portfolio platforms

Are there any additional fees or charges?